Things Women Love To Talk About On Chat Lines

It’s such a wonderful feeling when you finally get the chance to chat it up with a woman who interests you. Chat lines introduce men to all types of ladies, from all different types of backgrounds. It can feel cumbersome and challenging to know how to talk to all the wonderful women you meet on the line. Talking to females isn’t like talking to your pals. You do have to watch what you say and cater to their sensibilities. It’s not locker room talk in the slightest. But there is common ground that you will find with that lucky someone who catches your eyes… or ears. It’s easier when you call lines devoted to your interests or backgrounds. If you are seeking a Latina, calling a Latin line would be a good idea. That’s one example. But you can also find common ground calling your run of the mill dating line too. You don’t need to be nervous when you talk to a girl. When you have that nervous energy, it can come off as tense and edgy. So try your best to relax. Easier said than done, though.
It might put your mind at ease that there are actually topics you can keep on hand that almost always work in your favor when speaking to a woman on a phone dating line. The way to be a good conversationalist on a chat line is to always pick good topics. What does a “good topic” mean? Great question. A good topic is one that keeps your date talking. It’s something she would have a lot to say about, something she’s comfortable speaking on, and one that’s lighthearted and fun. While it’s a lighter topic, it still needs to render meaningful thought and direction or the conversation might get dull.
The best conversationalist can turn any topic into a chat that lasts all night long with follow up questions, so don’t forget about those! Take a look at some things women love to talk about on the line. Pick a topic that you know a lot about and can speak to at great lengths. If the chat starts to head down a road where you feel you don’t have a lot to say, change the course! Pick a new topic and try that one. There are no real rules when it comes to having a good chat line talk with a woman. You just have to trust your instincts and bring up subjects that you feel confident in.
Favorite movie
Someone’s favorite movie says a lot about them as a person. It shows what type of entertainment they are into and what their values are. Favorite movies also bring up a range of subtopics you can get into. Have you seen the movie she answered when you asked her about her favorite? Dig deep and see if you can stretch out that topic. If you haven’t seen the movie, move on or share one of your own. Try to pick one that she might have seen so that you two can expand upon the question.
Best travel story
Women usually love to talk about travel, and everyone has a travel story to tell if they’ve ever been outside of their hometown. You can learn so much about her as she tells you where she traveled, with whom, and what exciting adventures she got into. Then you can ask her where she would want to visit next!
Favorite type of food
Food is a common ground for practically every human being out there. We all have to eat so you should find plenty to talk about. Remember that you are also speaking with someone local when you call a phone dating service. Asking about her favorite food will make choosing a spot for your first date will be really easy! Ask her what she loves about the food and what her favorite local restaurant is. She will be impressed by your interest in something that she loves!
What you look for in a relationship
This is a juicy topic that can clue you into so much valuable dating information. What is she seeking in a relationship and why is she calling into a chat line? Is it for a casual fling or something way more serious? Try to figure out what she is looking for in a man and if you can step into those shoes for her. It’s the best kind of question to ask when you want to find out if you are compatible with someone.
Your bucket list
This is a fun topic that almost everyone has a stance on. What are the things you want to do before you croak? Ok, maybe you don’t put it as bluntly as we just did. Asking this question keys you into what kind of girl you are talking to. You are literally asking her what matters to her the most and what is on her wishlist. If you guys have similar items on this list, you might just be a match made in heaven.
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