How To Turn Your Chat Line Remote Connection Into A Summer Fling

The idea of summer romance has been cast away as we rear into another month of isolation, but that doesn’t mean that we have to let go of the idea altogether! Summer hot romances can still be a thing if you’ve got a phone and call into a chat line number. There are so many ways to have a remote relationship right now, and we need these ways more than ever as things slowly open back up and we are back to meeting up with folks in-person again. In fact, chat lines seem to be a huge blessing as not much has changed about them!
So, here are some ways to either get deeper with your summer chat line lover over the phone, or start a chat line fling with someone! If you’re dying for that summer lovin’ (cue Grease soundtrack), then you won’t want to miss these tips on how to make it happen with someone over a chat line!
Play a get-to-know-you game over the phone
Erotic chat lines are perfect for these types of games. A game like never-have-I-ever is a cool way to keep it spicey with your fling while they are in another location. Not to mention, it’s a no-pressure way to get really deep with someone else, and develop that emotional connection that makes summer flings so special, making it good for regular old chat line numbers too! Make it as spicy as you want it to be! Here are some games you can play with a chat line cutie over the phone:
- 20 questions
- Sexy truth or dare
- What are you wearing
- Fun hypothetical scenarios
- Would you rather
Get deep
Getting deep is what chat lines are all about! Call into the line late night and chat it up with a cutie. Getting into a deep conversation is what is going to strengthen your connection. That way, you’ll have your chat line honey wanting you to call them over and over, and, eventually, it will develop into a full-blown fling!
Watch a movie together
There’s nothing like a great movie night over the summer. And, this can still be done with someone while chatting on a chat line! It’s a cool chat line phone dating idea! This requires a bit of synchronicity, but you and your fling can watch a movie together from afar! Simply have your chat line cutie on the line and get your movie ready. If you hit play at the same time, you can watch the movie together! Usually, the sound of the movie doesn’t carry over from one phone to the next, so if you’re off by a few seconds, it won’t disrupt your experience.
Send sexy photos to one another
Now, this is going to require that you have your chat line date’s social media or personal phone number as you can’t send nudes through a chat line (as least we don’t think you can!) Have you been able to get your chat line cutie’s cell phone number yet? Sexy photos is a reason for you to dress up and do something sexy for someone else, which is going to feel really romantic. As always, remote intimacy is going to require a bit of effort. Putting some time into taking a sexy photoshoot for summer fling is going to make them feel like you are sharing something special and intimate.
Say goodnight on the phone every night
These crazy times gives you an excuse to chat on the phone with your chatline fling every night without coming on so strong. Use this as an opportunity to say goodnight to them ‘in-person’ over the phone so that you are the last thing they think of before they fall asleep. If you don’t have a consistent chat line cutie, you can make it your mission to say goodnight to someone. The beauty in chat lines is that there are so many and they’re always open for business. Adding this dose of romance into your life isn’t hard!
Read erotica to each other over the phone
If you aren’t so great at the dirty talk but want to call a party chat line number or find someone to talk naughty to over the phone, you can always read erotica to that person. It’s a great and creative way to turn your partner on. With an erotic story, you can tell your phone dating partner about what you wish you could be doing for them! Think of it as a sexy storytime. And, it’s a way to add some intimacy to your budding chat line summer romance OR make it sexy with a new chat line stranger. The world is your oyster with this one.
Send each other dinner
So, you can’t go on that epic first in-person chat line date, but you’re dying to buy your fling some dinner. You can subtly find out what their favorite dinner spot is and have it delivered to their house! Or, you can set up a chat line date experience in which you both order from the same spot. Eating the same food will make the experience feel more connected as you date from afar.
Send your chat line honey a gift
Ok, as always, we at Chatline Connect care about your safety and the safety of others. For that reason, we don’t really encourage giving out or asking for personal addresses over a chat line until you really know you’re committed to the other person. But, if your cutie has a PO box that they’d feel comfortable giving you, you can ask for it and send them a cute summer gift to let them know you are thinking of them! Some great gift ideas include spa gifts, flowers, chocolates (in a box that is melt-proof), or cute gift cards to spots you know they like!
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