How To Set Boundaries On A Chat Line
It might be great to feel free enough to be yourself on a chat line, but it also opens you up to a lot of other people feeling emboldened to do/say whatever they please, putting you in an uncomfortable and often infuriating situation. It is bad enough that women have to deal with catcalling, feeling threatened etc, but now to be able to experience it from the comfort of your own home? That just sucks. There is no two ways about it. Ladies, you are in charge so take charge. It’s time to set some boundaries between you and your chat line buddy.
It’s All In The Greeting
Lay it all out on the table for them. Don’t mince words or try to appeal to everyone. Make your greeting short, sweet, and simple while highlighting the type of relationship you are looking for and some qualities that are most important to you. Don’t forget to let them know a little something about yourself as well! You want the same from them, don’t you?
By letting people know what you are looking for, it sets up how they are going to talk to you. If you leave a greeting that alludes to wanting to hook up, people who are looking for a serious relationship are far less likely to try and match up with you, and vice-a-versa. Don’t forget to pay close attention to their greeting as well! Greetings are your first impression of that person. Based on that very limited information, is it worth a couple of minutes of your time to explore this potential relationship further?
First-Time Last-Time
If you start doing laundry for your entire family, after a week or two of you doing it, your family is going to come to expect it. If you let someone get away with something, they will think they can get away with it every time. If you feel uncomfortable, disrespected, or like your chat line buddy crossed some sort of line, speak up right away. Nip the problem in the bud. It will go one of two ways: you will either be faced with a red flag and a decision, or you will feel heard and accepted. Either way, it’s better not to waste time and get down to the nitty-gritty. No problem/issue gets better with age….not in this case anyway.
If All Else Fails…
Block them. He/she is NOT worth your valuable time if they don’t respect you laying down the law. If they don’t want you to feel comfortable it is time to cut your losses and move on. Just because you pay for a service that doesn’t work out immediately doesn’t mean that it is money wasted. With each experience, we become wiser and learn more and more about what we want/need out of a partner/relationship. It happens when it happens. You can’t force a great connection. Plus, there are so many other chat line numbers that you can call for free. You will meet the right person if you keep trying, and that person will respect your boundaries.
That yoga bod was not built in a day and neither is a relationship.
Keep on keeping on my fellow singles, and don’t forget to respect yourself. Never let anybody make you feel bad for creating boundaries so that you have a safe space and are filled with happiness.