Benefits Of Using Chat Lines Over Apps

Apps have taken over our lives. We stare at our screens day in and day out, both for work and play. But what happens once you look up from that phone and have to connect with an actual human being? As we become more united by technology, (on a global scale,) we are also becoming more divided because of it.
We miss the days of rolling out of bed at 11AM after a night out with friends, obsessively searching through that guy’s IG to see if he actually was as cute as he was last night…but we don’t necessarily miss the hangovers, the late starts or smelling like sweaty strangers. On the other hand, we are so over swiping mindlessly through apps, our carpal tunnel coming on far too early, (probably as a result of the horror that is a dating app; a forget-everything-you-were-taught-since-kindergarten, judge-a-book-by-the-cover type of karmic situation).
So, that leaves us at a fork in the road; do we chance it and try meeting a nice woman or man while the drinks are a-flowing and the music is a-pumpin’, or do we use yet another “dating” app? Or maybe, just maybe, we use a tried-and-true, might-seem-out-of-date-but-is-the-perfect-mix-of-meeting-in-person-and-using-a-dating-app, method of meeting individuals. That’s right! Chat lines are coming back full force, and here is why you should think about choosing chat lines over apps.
It’s What’s On The Inside That Counts
Oh the vapid and wonderful world that we know as dating apps. The premise is nice, but it allows you to be so removed from the situation that you end up running into a lot of nothing or a whole lot of heartbreak. The number of people we swiped past who may have been our soulmates….In any case, chat lines allow you to get to know someone for who they actually are instead of judging them based off of a, (most likely,) wildly edited photo. Most of the time, people don’t even stop to read your about info before swiping, allowing far too much room for error when it comes to connecting with someone who is looking for the same kinds of things/relationships as you are. On chat lines, you can tell who your date really is!
Not Just Another Fling
Let’s be honest. The world of online dating is pretty much a virtual glorified hookup room. Now, that is not to say that people haven’t found their soulmate through an app, but if you have used your phone to date and swipe in the past then you know exactly what we are talking about. Nobody, (well, most people at least,) is sitting on a chat line listening to a greeting and plotting on how they are going to get you to sleep with them. It is so easy to actually connect with someone who is looking for the same things as you are since their greeting is the first and only information you have to go off of prior to deciding if you want to chat it up or not. It’s a little bit like the good ole days of dating, where courting is preferred rather than basing everything off of first glance.
So Close Yet So Far
This might just be our favorite part; you get to really, genuinely, wholeheartedly connect with someone while staying in the safety and comfort of your own home. Chat lines can be used in PJs! What could be better than that? Plus, if you’re shy or nervous, this is a godsend. Give it a try. We have a feeling you might just be hooked.